Saturday, March 23, 2013

Safety Saturday

So, Spring is officially here, the weather is getting warmer (not in Northern Michigan) and the kids will be playing outside more.  As parents we hate to even think about our child ever being abducted, but unfortunatly it does happen.  2000 children per day are reported missing (I know many of them are run-aways....but not all). 

I just happened to come across this website today and wanted to share it for our Safety Saturday. You can order FREE Child Safe Kits by clicking here.  I just ordered one for each of my kids! Take a few minutes to order one for your kids or grandkids!  And then take some time to read a few great tips below from Child Safe Kit website.

While our kids and grandkids are learning to read and write, it's just as important
to teach them how to be safe. Start with these simple tips to begin building the foundation of safety awareness with your child or grandchild.
  1. Approach the subject of safety in a non-threatening way, so that your child is not fearful of dangerous people or situations, but cautious and aware.
  2. Open communication is the key. Encourage your child to trust their intuition and to be able to tell you when something is wrong.
  3. Make sure your child knows his or her full name, address and phone number, where you work and how you can be contacted. Teach them how to dial 911 and use a cell phone in an emergency situation.
  4. Inform your child of the rules pertaining to strangers. Let your child know that adults should not ask children for help nor can they threaten them. They should never approach an unknown car or go anywhere with an adult they do not know.
  5. Never label clothing, backpacks or personal items with your child's name. A stranger can use this information.
  6. Put a system in place on what to do if you and your child are separated in a public place.
  7. Know where your child is at all times and remember to update your child's records every 6-12 months.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! I absolutely agree with these safety ideas. Being safe really counts so much. Thanks for sharing!
