Friday, June 8, 2012

Here is a sneak peak at our newest product....THE PENALTY PAL.  It is a removable wall decal. This is a sample design....there will still be some minor changes!  We will have four color combos:)  Let me know what you think!!


  1. Omg..i was just thinking you should make a notty spot hand..great minds think alike ;)

    1. Haha....great minds do think alike!! Glad you think it is a neat idea:)

  2. I LOVE those angry little alarm clocks. Adorable!

    1. Thanks...we are still working on the design. The alarm clocks might start out angry on the left side and then progress to happy on the right side! Hope to have it finished soon!

  3. Leaving a comment to enter the contest for Win-IT-WEDNESDAY (June 27th 2012).

    I LOOOVE the idea of the Penalty Pal! We currently use the traditional method of the 'time-out-chair' but this only leaves my daughter to sway back and forth and fall off on purpose--a game she loves to play (unfortunately!) I think the Penalty pal would be a more effective method to say the least! haha
